Friday, November 24, 2006

The Science Of Getting Rich

Hopefully you have already read this book. If you haven’t you can email me and I will send you the eBook at no charge. Email me at but please do me a favour and tell others about this Blog or forward them the link.

The other thing you should do is watch The Secret. Most, if not all of the wealthiest and most successful people in the world have been practicing the secret and some of them aren’t even aware that they are.

What’s worse is that most people don’t even know about the secret and therefore continue to live a life of struggle and poverty.

Another great movie to watch is What The Bleep Do We Know?

We have explored the earth, oceans and even space and now its time to explore the mind, thoughts and the power that each of us have as human beings.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

The Science of Action

Nothing happens unless you finally Act upon it.

You can conceive, believe and attract all kinds of opportunities into your life but if you never act on any of these it is meaningless.

I know so many people who go to seminars, get coached, take courses and continue to study some more. They’re still broke simply because they don’t Act on what they have learned.

It is said that you will earn when you learn but that only applies if you Live what you’ve learned. That is what the L stands for in LEARN. Separate the L from LEARN and this is what you get – EARN.

Here is an example:

A carpenter goes to school to learn to be a carpenter.

He then has a Thought – an Idea – that he wants to build a wooden bridge in his backyard. He envisions it and takes his first action. He draws up a blueprint.

Then he takes another actions and makes up a list of all the supplies he needs.

He goes and buys the supplies.

And finally he begins to build the bridge.

From Thought to Reality – Action!

So what have you been wanting to do?
What is holding you back?
Is it Fear?
Is it a lack of confidence?

Here is the key to the Science of Action:

Take little steps in the direction you wish to go.
Even if you don’t know what step # 10 will be, take step # 1.

There is a saying by Goethe that says:

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.

Go ahead and give yourself a chance.

As the Kelly Clarkson song says:

Take A Risk, Take A Chance, Make A Change and Break Away.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

The Science of Attraction

Thoughts play a major role in the Science of Attraction.

In fact anything I write hear would pale in comparison with a book I am just reading by Joe Vitale called “The Attractor Factor”.

Joe had previously written a similar tome in an EBook called Spiritual Marketing which is just amazing.


If you would like a copy of this eBook simply email me at and I will send it to you for free in PDF format. In the Subject Header: Attractor Factor Please!

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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The Science of Thought

As human beings we are now used to the many waves around us. Radio Waves and Micro Waves to name a couple are also used on many different frequencies.

Science has long known that our brains also emit waves. These waves are known as Alpha, Beta and Theta Waves.

Scientists still don’t know a lot about the brain and so there are many questions left unanswered like:
- How far do the waves we know about travel?
- How fast do these waves travel?
- Does the brain emit other waves that we do not have the technology to detect?
- Just as the brain sends out these waves does it have the capacity to also receive wave signals?

There are many learned people who believe that these waves carry thoughts far and wide and telekinetic tests have confirmed this. A test subject in New York thinking something without being hooked up to the other test subject in London, England have accurately confirmed what the other person was transmitting.

So do like thoughts attract? Is that why when you are having a bad day it only gets worse?

Or when you are having a great day it seems like nothing can go wrong?

We know for a fact that certain waves travel in certain patterns and at certain frequencies.
- A TV receiver cannot pick up a Radio Wave.
- An AM radio cannot pick up an FM radio wave
- A radio cannot pick up a microwave signal.
- And so on.

Therefore it stands to reason that we need to learn how to effectively receive and send Thought Waves.

A husband and wife often do this – communicate with each other without saying a word and even without being in the same room or even the same vicinity.

We often call it “being in the zone’.

Twin siblings also tend to communicate sometimes over long distances just by exchanging thoughts over a seemingly rapid thought wave frequency.

Furthermore when you think about it you can ask where do ideas come from?

Is an idea nothing more than someone else’s thought travelling on a certain frequency that you were tuned into at the time?

Is that where inspiration comes from?

Do all thoughts being emitted from our brains just float around on high frequency thought waves or do they sit in some vast super conscious database from which we draw upon if only we knew how or were properly programmed to receive?

I have a couple of really neat Ebooks I will make available to my faithful readers. Here is what you should do if you don’t want to miss out on these Free Offers.Enter your email where it says Enter Your Email to subscribe. That way everytime this Blog is updated you get notified. I don’t gather your email in my database – this is done by FeedBlitz and you can see their privacy policy.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The Science Of Belief

According to Deepak Chopra our cells are constantly eavesdropping on our mind.

And as they eavesdrop they learn and change and evolve. In his book Biology of Belief author Dr. Bruce Lipton talks about how cells have a membrane that he calls Mem-Brain. These cells learn from other cells and transmit information to each other. As cells die and new cells are born only the new information is transferred. About once or so every year all the cells in our body are reborn or transformed and their data comes from what we believe.

Dr. Shad Helmstetter, author of the Best Selling book What To Say When You Talk To Yourself says that our beliefs come from what we take in through our 5 senses. Mostly what we hear! And the person we hear most is ourselves.

So what are you saying when you talk to yourself or when you talk about yourself to others? Are you prone to saying such things as “Oh that was so stupid of me” or “Man, am I dumb or what?” or “Sometimes, I can’t believe how stupid I am” or “I can’t afford that – I’m broke”?

Your cells are taking in these types of statements and comments objectively. The more times you say it and the more passionately you say it the stronger the belief becomes within your cells. They say to each other “Maybe this guy is stupid” and then the next time you say it they say to each other “See – he just said it again so that confirms that he is stupid”.

Then when a new cell is born the old cells just transfer the data to the new cell. “Our guy here, he is real nice and stuff but boy is he stupid”. Before you know it your life is in the gutter because you just can’t seem to do anything right. And you just seem to continually attract crap into your life. To find out how all this Stinking Thinking and Freaking Speaking turns you into a Crap Magnet read my next post.

For now please just watch your mouth! If you can’t say something nice about yourself just don’t say anything at all. After all you are awesome and that’s what you should tell yourself every single day.

Ever heard of affirmations? Or as Dr. Helmstetter calls it Self-Talk! Make up a list of things that you would like to become. Maybe you want to have more Self Confidence. Then here is an affirmation for you:

“I have a completely relaxed Self Assurance. I am sure of myself in all situations and with all people.”

You might want to add this: “I am not Shy or Afraid of anyone. I am Bold, Calm and Cheerful.”

Maybe you want more money: “Money continually flows into my life with ease and grace and enriches me and all around me.”

When you first begin to say these affirmations you might hear you cells screaming out in laughter. That’s okay! Remember you’ve been telling them how stupid you are until now. As you begin this exercise they might think you have finally gone bonkers. But continue and make sure you say it with Passion and Conviction – in other words like you believe it – strongly.

However, slowly these cells will come around. Soon they will say “This gal is very confident and bold and happy and she has a lot of money.” Remember these cells only know what you tell it. If you keep telling it that you are broke, that is what they know. And as you will see in my next post like attracts like.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

I've been away for a while doing some Thinking!

So watch out for some blockbuster thoughts, ideas and inspirations that will be coming your way shortly.

Thanks for your patience!