Friday, December 24, 2010

Are Your Prayers Being Answered?

We often pray that God will just give us a chance.
And yet when we get a chance we fail to act on it.

You might have heard this wonderful story but maybe you need to read it again.

It is the story of the man who lived in a house all by himself.
One day there was a great flood and the main floor was full of water.
So he went to the Second Floor and stood by the window and prayed.

Some people came by in a Canoe and said "Come on old man, let's get you out of here."
"Oh no - Go ahead," he said, "God will take care of me."

Then the floodwaters rose to the second level and he had to go to the third level.
A Motorboat came by while he was praying on the 3rd floor balcony and again he told them to go ahead because God was going to save him.

Soon the floodwaters forced him onto the roof and a helicopter spotted him and tried to pluck him to safety but he steadfastly refused to go.

And then he drowned and next thing he knew he was there standing in front of God.

"God what happened to you?" he asked, "I believed with all my heart and soul you would come and save me."

The lord smiled at the man and said, "I tried, my son. Who do you think sent the canoe and the motor boat and the helicopter?"

I hope that little story puts a smile on your face and an inspiration in your heart.

Have you been praying for something to happen in your life?

Whether you are praying for love, money, happiness or peace just pay attention to the messages around you.

Maybe your canoe or boat or helicopter is sitting right there in front of you and you just refuse to see it.