Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What's Your Excuse!

Just when you start feeling sorry for yourself that you don't have the resources that others have to succeed save this video to your desktop or bookmark this page so you can come back and remind yourself that YOU Have No Excuses!

Or when you start playing the If Only... game:
- If only I was thinner
- If only I was taller
- If only I had more money
- If only I had been born into a better family

Watch This - and then Look At Yourself in the Mirror!


Saturday, March 12, 2011


No matter what your line of work is one thing to remember is that whenever you are out there you are always on stage. Whether you are at the supermarket or at a hockey game you never know who might be pointing to you and speaking of you with admiration. Don’t let them down by being off guard.

So to help you out a bit I have put together a few points that some of you might not find foreign at all. This is what it takes to be G.R.E.A.T.

1- G is for Grooming! You are a successful, respected, well-liked businessperson. Do you always look the part?
a- Take it from someone who knows the fashion business: You don’t need to spend a million bucks to look like a million bucks.
b- If you need any ideas just pick up any business magazine and see how business people dress.
c- When you are out and about you don’t need to wear a suit to the supermarket but maybe a raggedy sweat suit is not fitting either. Relax in your sweat pants at home if you have to.

2- R is for Respect and Responsibility!

3- E is for Edification! Edification is the process of building up or uplifting someone.

4- A is for Action which as you know speaks louder than words!
a- Do what you say you are going to do
b- More importantly DO what you are telling others to DO.
c- And DO IT like you want them to do it.

5- T is for Teaching! Teach what you know through your example and what you do. When you tell people what to do that is called Preaching. People rarely learn from Preachers but more often than not they learn from Teachers.

That is how G.R.E.A.T is lived and greatness begets more greatness, which in turn begets more wealth and fame and all that you desire!

Learn these things while you are still following or leading a few so that soon you may lead many.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Pearls Of Wisdom

Your days are your life in miniature. As you live your hours so you create your years. Small choices lead to giant consequences over time.

The best among us are not more gifted than the rest. They just take little steps each day as they march toward their biggest life. And the days slip into weeks, the weeks into months and before they know it, they arrive at a place called Extraordinary.

"The Greatness Guide" - Robin Sharma

Saturday, February 12, 2011

L.U.C.K.Y. you!

Did you know that every minute of every day you are creating your future?
I am not referring to some esoteric, fluffy, new age philosophy.
Rather, there is real science behind that statement.

The choices you make today, every single thing you do today, in fact you reading this post right now or choosing not to, is determining the results you get tomorrow.

Depending on how much knowledge you acquired yesterday and how much of that knowledge you acted upon yesterday, that’s how your today will look.

Then people might just call you lucky – not knowing what you learned and what you did yesterday.

And when they call you lucky you can tell them darn right I’m lucky and this is what lucky means and you can be lucky too.

Laboured (You Acted)

So look at every minute of your day and you will get a picture of the future you are creating right now.

What are you reading right now?
Are you reading something just to kill time or as an escape from your reality?
Or are you reading something that can help you make a fortune?

Are you working for a living with one job or two? Or are you working on your fortune with a spare-time business?

Depending on what you are doing right now will determine how prepared you are to strike while the iron is hot when a huge new opportunity comes along.

Be Prepared!
Get Ready!
Your Time is Almost Here!

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Pearls of Wisdom

There are some things you don't have to know how it works - only that it works. While some people are studying the roots, others are picking the fruit.

It just depends on which end of this you want to get in on.
Jim Rohn