As human beings we are now used to the many waves around us. Radio Waves and Micro Waves to name a couple are also used on many different frequencies.
Science has long known that our brains also emit waves. These waves are known as Alpha, Beta and Theta Waves.
Scientists still don’t know a lot about the brain and so there are many questions left unanswered like:
- How far do the waves we know about travel?
- How fast do these waves travel?
- Does the brain emit other waves that we do not have the technology to detect?
- Just as the brain sends out these waves does it have the capacity to also receive wave signals?
There are many learned people who believe that these waves carry thoughts far and wide and telekinetic tests have confirmed this. A test subject in New York thinking something without being hooked up to the other test subject in London, England have accurately confirmed what the other person was transmitting.
So do like thoughts attract? Is that why when you are having a bad day it only gets worse?
Or when you are having a great day it seems like nothing can go wrong?
We know for a fact that certain waves travel in certain patterns and at certain frequencies.
- A TV receiver cannot pick up a Radio Wave.
- An AM radio cannot pick up an FM radio wave
- A radio cannot pick up a microwave signal.
- And so on.
Therefore it stands to reason that we need to learn how to effectively receive and send Thought Waves.
A husband and wife often do this – communicate with each other without saying a word and even without being in the same room or even the same vicinity.
We often call it “being in the zone’.
Twin siblings also tend to communicate sometimes over long distances just by exchanging thoughts over a seemingly rapid thought wave frequency.
Furthermore when you think about it you can ask where do ideas come from?
Is an idea nothing more than someone else’s thought travelling on a certain frequency that you were tuned into at the time?
Is that where inspiration comes from?
Do all thoughts being emitted from our brains just float around on high frequency thought waves or do they sit in some vast super conscious database from which we draw upon if only we knew how or were properly programmed to receive?
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