Saturday, February 12, 2011

L.U.C.K.Y. you!

Did you know that every minute of every day you are creating your future?
I am not referring to some esoteric, fluffy, new age philosophy.
Rather, there is real science behind that statement.

The choices you make today, every single thing you do today, in fact you reading this post right now or choosing not to, is determining the results you get tomorrow.

Depending on how much knowledge you acquired yesterday and how much of that knowledge you acted upon yesterday, that’s how your today will look.

Then people might just call you lucky – not knowing what you learned and what you did yesterday.

And when they call you lucky you can tell them darn right I’m lucky and this is what lucky means and you can be lucky too.

Laboured (You Acted)

So look at every minute of your day and you will get a picture of the future you are creating right now.

What are you reading right now?
Are you reading something just to kill time or as an escape from your reality?
Or are you reading something that can help you make a fortune?

Are you working for a living with one job or two? Or are you working on your fortune with a spare-time business?

Depending on what you are doing right now will determine how prepared you are to strike while the iron is hot when a huge new opportunity comes along.

Be Prepared!
Get Ready!
Your Time is Almost Here!