Thursday, January 01, 2009

Good Times Never Last

It has been more than 2 years since I updated this blog. I guess I felt that it wasn’t needed. People who had great jobs didn’t feel like they were in the Rat Race. And if they were, they figured it wasn’t so bad. The pay was good, they were able to buy a home and jobs were so plentiful that if their boss didn’t treat them right they just had to walk across the street into a higher paying job.

It was an employee’s market for sure!

And it seems to me that when human beings are doing well they think that things will always be so good. They don’t think about digging their well before they need it. They don’t think they will ever be thirsty which is why Americans have the lowest savings of any major country on the planet. China has the highest!

Now people are thirsty and now they are scrambling to dig their wells. But it is very difficult to dig a well under those parched conditions.

So I decided I would come back and help in any way that I can. I have a few secrets that might help you. And for those of you who subscribed to this blog a long time ago I hope you will take some time to review the material here and share it with friends. You will find out why you should share it with friends in the next post. The content is even more valid today than it was in 2006 when things were so good.

I look forward to helping you if you need it!

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