Right now what the world needs is for people to come together and work as a Team. I think it is Mark Victor Hansen, the co-author of Chicken Soup For The Soul Series, who said that T.E.A.M. stands for Together Everyone Achieves Miracles. And Miracles are what we need today with one of the worst economic downturns the world has ever seen, upon us.
Take a deep breath in and out!
Relax into an almost meditative state!
Think about the people around you. Your friends, your co-workers, your neighbours and others you might volunteer with or belong to a club with. What can you do together? Can 4 or 5 of you come together to start a business or join a business or find a way to make some money. Here are 3 things you can do right now to get started:
1- Choose A Team – Make sure each member has a particular strength and most importantly is strong where you or the others are weak. The last thing you want on a team is for everyone to be detail oriented for example. If that is the case everyone will get caught up in the weeds of details. Yet it wouldn’t be very smart to have no detail people on the team. They say that the devil is in the details and it will catch up with you if you don’t pay attention to it.
2- Create A Plan – Most people will tell you to begin with what you like to do and that is true. However you also have to make sure that you are solving someone else’s pain. If there is no pain for someone else there will be no gain for you. If you cannot come up with anything there are two things you could do:
a. You probably need a real creative person added to your team. An idea person is critical for every team. You just need to make sure they are not the leader. Visionaries rarely make good executioners.
b. Go look through Home Business Magazines or books that give you ideas on what businesses you can start. Or search to see what people are doing online but be very careful. Everyone online is trying to sell you something and they appeal to that common thread that runs through most people. They want to be rich – They don’t want to work for it – They don’t want to Pay for it! If you buy into one of those projects you just bought into a scam.
3- Take Action – Over the past couple of years with the popularity of The Secret there are many who figured they just had to think their way into prosperity. The law of attraction is powerful but look at the last 6 letters. Yes that’s right it spells ACTION. Persistent Thought on a Particular Area Plus Persistent and Consistent Action is the True Secret of The Law of Attraction. Every team needs a leader and the number one thing that kills all teams is EGO. A mentor of mine used to say that EGO stood for Edging God Out! I like to say that EGO stands for Edging Good Out! If there are 5 of you and you are trying to dig yourself out of a hole, then stay focused on that. It shouldn’t be important as to who the leader is and who gets center stage. I have often told people with big egos around me “You take the Fame, just give me the fortune”.
Good Teams Make Great Dreams Come True!
According to Robert Kiyosaki, the author of the Rich Dad, Poor Dad series of books, when your passive business and / or investment income exceeds your working income, you are out of the rat race. This Blog is dedicated to all those who are on that quest to Exit The Rat Race. Within this Blog you will find ideas, concepts and proven tactics that will help you create multiple streams of passive income. Please visit often and share your thoughts as well.
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