Sunday, February 01, 2009

Businesses Create Millionaires & Billionaires

So how are you making out? Have you got your team together? Have you figured out your game plan? Have you started taking Action? Or are you having some trouble getting started?

The critical thing right now is to get into business. You cannot depend on anyone else and especially not the government. I have news for you if you haven’t figured this out already. The stimulus package of any country does not apply to you unless you are a CEO of a major corporation or are a bank or somebody really important.

If your house is in foreclosure or if you have just lost your job or if you are in any other financial trouble please don’t sit there watching CNN and cursing the government for not doing anything for you.

Get off the couch, kick yourself in the butt and get to work doing something. I gave you some ideas in my last post and if that did not work for you then I have some other ideas in my next post.

The bottom line is this! Either you create a business or you join a business. Either you create a team or you join a team. YOU are the one responsible for making things happen for YOU.

So be prepared to make something happen and come back to read my next post. In fact do yourself a favour and subscribe to these posts. Especially if you find them helpful. In fact tell your friends about this blog as well and maybe Together Everyone (all your loved ones) will Achieve Miracles. I am sure you will not find the kind of stuff I write about here in the regular news media. They thrive off your misery and despair. I don’t! When you do well your friends and neighbours do well. And when they do well your community does well and your city, state or province does well. And the Country soon digs itself out of where it is and I do well.

Just remember that Misery and Despair are optional!

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