Sunday, July 31, 2005


So how do you know if what you are doing is working or not?

Most people work so hard at their jobs or businesses and never take time to figure out if they are on the right path.

Don't be like the gardener who is so busy pulling weeds and putting in new fertilizer and watering and feeding his plants and trees that he fails to check if he is getting any fruit on his trees.

I am a hard worker so I am always looking at my results.
I regularly step back and ask myself:
Am I getting the results I deserve for all the hard work I am putting in?
Or are my results at least in proportion to my work?

Take a step back and look at your tree.
How long have you been operating that store?
Are you just barely scraping by even though you have been hard at it for the last 5 years?

How long have you been working that moonlighting accounting and book keeping business?
Are the long hours you are putting in between your full time job and that moonlighting business just keeping your head above water?

What about that Network Marketing business of yours?
They sold you on a 2 to 5 year plan and here you are ten years later still no further than when you got started.
Are you caught up in the hype or do you not want to quit because it would disappoint your upline who you are so loyal to?

Be honest with yourself and if it is not working then have the courage to move on.
If you are in a hole and you are still digging, guess what?
The hole is only going to get deeper.

There is only one person you need to be loyal to and that is you.
If you still don't understand this go back and read my last post.


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